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New Nitro & Nitrite Videos

This week we have published the second video from Exit's 2024 Sydney Workshop in the Peaceful Pill eHandbook Essentials.

The first new video featured the topic of nitrogen hypoxia and why the use of facemasks remains so problematic.

The second new video features a discussion of sodium nitrite including audience questions on dosage.

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ceduna eclipse 2002

Eclipsed in the Australian Outback

Over 20 years ago, film maker Janine Hosking, made the "ahead of her time" documentary about the retired French academic, Lisette Nigot who didn't want to turn 80. The film was called Mademoiselle and the Doctor.

One especially poignant moment in the film is the 2004 total eclipse that took place in the Australian outback.

This week's Sth/Nth America total eclipse brought back those memories.

Watch the extracted clip to see how Philip explains his take on the meaning of life during and after a total eclipse.
van Gorp

Breath-of-Fresh-Air Debate Rages in Belgium

In Belgium this week, the Chairman of the health fund, Christian Mutual, Luc Van Gorp, called for those who feel that their life is complete, to be able to end it.

In an interview with the Belgian newspaper, Nieuwsblad, Van Gorp said that he wants people at the end of their lives to be able to indicate that their lives are completed, even when there is no unbearable suffering

He wants to have an open debate around ageing and quality of life in the elderly. "We need to remove the stigma between life and death," he says.

With so many Western countries focused solely on end of life rights for the terminally ill, it is refreshingly progressive to be able to report this type of debate in a country like Belgium.

But maybe we should not be surprised, given Belgium has had over 2 decades experience with voluntary euthanasia.

This is a country (like the Netherlands) where debate is much more open, informed and full of unique insight.

Read the Reporting in English on the Exit Website
Register Now for Exit's 2024 'Old Age Rational Suicide' Workshop to be held @ 1- 4pm on Saturday 11 May.

Registrations are now open

London Workshop Topics
* Nitrogen Hypoxia & that Alabama Execution
* Nitrite Salts & the Trial of Kenneth Law
* The Sarco Project
* The Swiss Option

Exit Workshops are free for Exit Members (not yet a Member? Join today)
- Age restrictions apply.
- Photo ID may be required.
- Afternoon tea will be served.

Venue: Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley St, Holborn WC2B 5LT

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